Adv. Meital Demri is a professional manager at Gilad, as part of her role she provides a professional envelope to the Company and its clients in diverse fields.
Meital has 10 years of experience in the field of lobbying and government relations. This experience in conjunction with her legal-business understanding allow her to harness a variety of creative tools as solutions for regulatory issues in Israel.
Moreover, as the head of the Company’s center and information department, she provides solutions to various professional aspects at the Company, maintains a close relationship with the officials in the government ministries, the Knesset, public bodies and statutory authorities and leads the development of work methodologies for the Company’s employees.
Her familiarity with the political system, regulation and legislative procedures, along with her in-depth view of the business and regulatory environment and her extensive knowledge of working vis-à-vis government officials, allow her to provide the Company with comprehensive strategic advice, while adapting a solution to the needs of the Company and clients.
Meital holds a BA L.L.B in law from Ono Academic College